Saturday, August 23, 2008

One of the pitfalls of living in a house in an alley....

For the second time in as many days, I had to chase a drunk away who was taking a piss on the wall.
This one was weird, though.
I told him to "get the fuck out of here", "an alley isn't a fucking toilet, asshole", etc....
Then he came back with "Are you telling me you've never pissed in an alley before?"
I said "No, I haven't!"
He said "Are you serious? You've NEVER pissed in an alley before?"
Am I missing something? I'm used to that sort of questioning when I tell people I've never drank before. I get a LOT of "Seriously? You've NEVER drank alcohol?"
But pissing in an alley?? Is this a by-product of the whole drinking thing I'm missing out on? It sounds like almost no fun at all.
Oh, well. Add it to the list of shit I don't understand.


xtalcase said...

I HAVE pissed in alleys, but I always go in the bushes, not on someone's wall.

Jen Sykotic said...

You've really never drank alcohol? EVER? Wow, that's actually really cool Tom.

Oh man, I have some great stories about people doing weird/gross shit by my house. Here's the top three:

1. Getting dropped off by my friends mom after school and seeing a guy peeing in my bushes - in broad daylight on a busy street.

2. Looking out my bedroom window and seeing a guy jacking off behind the building next door. I yelled "HEY!", I've never seen someone pull up their pants so quickly.

3. My all-time favorite - the naked homeless man taking a full-on shower with a hose in the parking lot next door.

Tom H. said...

Haha! Yeah, those are the kind of things you just don't see in the small towns. :)

James said...

One time, when I worked at the liquor store, some dude pissed on the front window when we told him we didn't have a public restroom. Being the grunt, I got to mop it up.