Saturday, June 28, 2008

Til Death Do You Part??

So I was talking to my sister Sue this morning, and she was telling me about a friend of ours from high school (someone I barely knew. More her friend I guess.) who is getting divorced.
With the national divorce rate WELL over 50%, isn't it time for change?
I just don't think "forever" is possible anymore. I propose that marriage licenses expire after 5 years. If things go south before that, by all means, get a divorce. If, at the 5 year mark, you decide that you wanna go your separate ways, split up the loot and call it a day. If you hit 5 years and things are going great, pick up a 3 year option and get on with it.
It's a whole new world from when our parents were married. I think I only knew one or two kids in my school that had divorced parents. And of course we hucked rocks at them till they cried and pooped their pants. (just seeing if you're paying attention.)
I think we should all start a petition to put this into law. I think the Governator would be into it.
Anyone know where he hangs out?


Samantha Marie said...

I agree! Marriage as a whole just ain't what it used to be. I think the older generations really saw it as something completely different than say my generation does. It used to be this sacred institution... now it's front page news when a white trash pop start meets a random guy, marries him in Vegas, and then is frantically advised to get the annullment.

Tom H. said...

Yeah, I always thought it was funny that 2 gay people who love each other couldn't get married because it made a "mockery" of the institution of marriage, but Brittney Spears can get married and annulled in a 24-hour span, and it's just a "drunken mistake". So, which one is the mockery??