Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wing Nuts

Ok, so I just got done having a "conversation" on myspace with a woman in Florida about politics.
She posted a bulletin about "left wing bullshit" and "a vote for Obama is a spit in the face of the brave souls who gave their lives for this country".
I have relatives who fought in wars and gave their lives for this country. If you listen closely, you can hear them spinning in their graves.

First, she trotted out the old chestnut "If you don't love this country, leave".
I wonder if she has a son-in-law called "Meathead".

She said that "Obama hasn't produced a birth certificate".
Well, a simple google search reveals that, yes, he has.

She said that, and I'm not kidding, "Obama may or may not be the Anti-christ" and to "dust off your bible and look it up".
I'm not going to dignify that with a response.

"Obama is a socialist", she says. "If you don't know the meaning of the word 'socialist', look it up."
I advised her that maybe SHE should look it up.
Asking the rich to pay their fair share in taxes while giving a break to the middle class is not socialism. I looked it up.

I strongly advise everyone to check out Crooks and Liars. And Daily Kos.
Sure, it's a strong "left" slant, but there's some stuff on there that everyone should see.


suzi boneshaker said...

if you have ever watched "sicko", you may think that socialism isn't that bad.
i love america, but damn we can use some improvement!

Tom H. said...

Yeah, I did see that! It was sad/funny that the French and Canadians thought we were nuts because we have to pay for health care. How the hell did it ever get to this point??

James said...

How did you find that woman? It is scary that people like that have the same say as the rest of us. I don't think you should be able to vote if your your brain is so obviously defective.

Tom H. said...

She found us! I got a myspace friend request from her. I have absolutely NO idea how she found us or, more perplexing still, why she wanted to add us! I looked at her friends and there are no bands of any kind on her page.
Oh, well.... I'm sure she's either on her knees praying for Obama to throw himself in the river, or packing her shit to move to Canada. I hope she doesn't let Minnesota hit her on the ass on the way out!