Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ok, so I really AM in the Christmas spirit!

But only because of the best reason ever! Christmas slasher movies!
I'm talking "Silent Night, Deadly Night" and "Christmas Evil". I'm sure there are others, but those are the two that stick out in my mind.
I'm watching "Christmas Evil" right now. It was also released as "You Better Watch Out", which in my opinion is a better title.
It's also notable for the scene where the mom from Home Improvement slaps her kid across the face. Can't really get away with that shit nowadays.

I liked "Silent Night, Deadly Night" better, only because the killer Santa Claus walked around the neighborhood with a fire axe muttering "Punish!" I remember when it first came out. I, for some reason, took a date to see it, knowing damn well she wouldn't like it. We never went out again. No accounting for taste, I guess.

Anyhoo, hunting down and watching these movies will give you something to do after the screaming kids finally fall asleep.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry, but these movies just can't hold a candle to Santa Baby with Jenny McCarthy. :D